Sunday, May 04, 2008


Potatey is falling back in to his habit of getting up 'at the crack of dawn' (he's up by 6 am LATEST) in the weekends. And I don't think this is due to the sun getting up so much earlier now. He has black-out curtains in his room and you really cannot tell that it's light outside until those curtains are opened...
And the frustrating part of all of this is that, during the week, he is still 'deep asleep' by 6.45 am and I frequently have to pry him out of bed to get ready for school.

I get up very, very early during the week, and yes, 6 am is 'sleeping in' compared to that. But sjeesh louise, I'd love to be able to actually SLEEP until 7.30 am or so on Saturday or Sunday.

I think it's time to put a little bit of extended release melatonin back into his supplement schedule, just on the weekends, and see if that gets me an extra hour.....

The other thing that's been going on with him this weekend is that he's very, very clingy.. I cannot set one step away from him without him either following me around like a little puppy, or yelling 'mom, mom, where are you?' in that panicky tone of voice..

And it's NOT that I don't tell him where I am going.. the rule here is that we, always, always, let each other know, if we are leaving the immediate area where people are conglomerating, WHERE we are going. This is something I implemented way back in the days to help Salamander understand that, when I walked away from him, I didn't just cease to exist.. but that I was simply disappearing from his field of vision and that I would come back (once I realized this and consistently implemented the described action, Salamander's HOURS LONG hysterically screaming, crying tantrums at drop-off at his school diminished greatly...).

Maybe Potatey is not actually 'hearing me' when I mention that I am stepping away and where I am going...

Hmmm, guess I'll need to do the same thing with him as I do with Salamander, e.g., make sure he's actually looking at me, is paying attention to what I am saying, and then ask him to repeat back to me what I just said.

Potatey has shown this behavior before... and at that time it was detox related. I am sure that's what going on this time too. I'll be doing more testing on BOTH boys tomorrow anyway....

But man, between Salamander continuing to not feel well, Potatey getting up so early and then acting like a little 'Kling-on' the whole day, I am WIPED.


At 9:35 PM, May 05, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, talk about deja vu! This post very closely describes my life right now. My son is back to being clingy (he screams and bangs on windows if I have to leave without him), and upon my return he lectures me on how he was supposed to go with me.

He sleeps like a freakin' rock Mon-Fri - I have to wake him up for school at 7:30; but is up before the birds (5:30-6:00) Sat and Sun mornings. "Mom, the sun is coming up! Get up!"

Today he totally lost it when I walked 10 feet away, and out of his line of vision, because he thought I had left him alone in the house, as if I have ever done that - left him alone - never.

The poor little dude, he's just going through something right now. I just wish the sleep thing would improve - at least one of the weekend days! Sleep deprivation can cause schizophrenia, ya know! ;-)

At 9:36 AM, May 06, 2008 , Blogger Petra said...

Hi Jeanne - thanks for stopping by.

So far, same thing this week. I have had to pry Potatey out of bed the past two mornings...

I am going to try to Melatonin PR again this Friday nite. I'll let you know how it goes. Last time this was all going on, Potatey was clearing a lot of metals and his GABA/glutamate balance was really out of wack - increasing supplement support for that area helped 'take the edge' of a bit..

I also discovered this morning that, since mid last week, Potatey's teacher has been letting the kids play with cornstarch based gooey stuff in the sensory table. Now Potatey won't go near it, as it's corn. But the cornstarch dust is all over the room, and the other kiddos have been tracking the goo all over the place, touching each other, touching chairs, touching toys, touching the play rugs (yes, of course the kids wash up after they're done playing in the sensory area, but still...)

Anything corn-based makes Potatey very volatile.. it could be a contributing factor...


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