Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Message From the Universe??

So I've done a lot of reading today.. all kinds of different reading for all kinds of different reasons on all kinds of different topics...
And the take away message was that I "am exactly where I need to be on the long winding road of life, doing exactly what I need to be doing"...

A powerful message.... and for those moments today that I was truly present to this, something unclenched and shifted inside of me....and I felt at peace....

(but then of course that oversized, overactive brain of mine would click back in and rattle off my mental to-do list.. and instead of staying with the "doing exactly what I need to be doing", I'd go screaming off in "look at all the sh#t I need to get done, and I am running so behind" hell again....)

Oh Serenity, Serenity... where arest thou, Serenity...

This 'strong girl that can handle anything and everything, and who doesn't need any help from anybody' vibe I project??? It's armor, people, to protect a delicate (and already much wounded) soul......

I am so tired of always having to be the strong and tough one, the protector, the fighter, the one that takes care of all the problems and issues ....


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