Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Life just isn't fair...

Someone who's become a very dear friend let me know about something devastating that is happening to her family.. and it's not that she and her family have had an easy ride over the past, give or take, 14 years....

So how come that, for some of us, difficult situations just keep piling on top of difficult situations piled on to already difficult situations?

Frequently, life just isn't fair....No, no, no, no, no (to borrow an expression of a favorite movie character of the boys).
You all know that I don't spend a whole lot of time in "Woo is me", or "Woo is us" land.. I just don't have the time or energy to waste asking the "Why" question or singing the "It's not fair" song... There are however these days that 'it' all just seems to 'pile on', and you can't help but wonder...
OK, 'nuf of this. So today sucked (for many, many reasons). Tomorrow will be a better one...
[and Blogger's formatting quirks are driving me NUTS!!]


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