Thursday, February 14, 2008

Brownie Points...

OK, this is going to be one of those 'everything but the kitchen sink' posts as the past 24 hours have been kind of a 'everything but the kitchen sink' kinda ride... Murphy's Law struck like lightening out here, as only Murphy's Law can (for those of you that are going 'Huh?' Murphy's Law = everything that CAN go wrong, WILL go wrong).

Let's just say that I am a friggin' MAGNET for Murphy's Law.

I won't go into all the nasty, dirty details. I've done the spitting fire, spewing venom, rehashing, dissecting etc 'off line' with two very close friends (and believe me, none of what I wrote was stuff I want to put up here.. hey, my kids may read this blog at some point!!).

In summary, the past 24 hour involved
  • a flooded basement (the weather's been crazy out here, I live in an area with a very high ground water table and my sump pump system UTTERLY broke down on me),
  • a robbery in our street (that apparently took place RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE, so the local police paid me a visit just as I was putting the monkeys to bed in the hope that I could be a material witness.. NOT.. I didn't see a darn thing), and having the police pay you a visit at bed time when one of the monkeys definitely has a BIG anxiety problem.. well, you can figure it out,
  • momma having to stay up very late to take care of the basement/anxious monkey issue while still finding time to make Valentine's Day treats,
  • a few upsetting things happening this morning when I dropped Potatey off at daycare (as disclosed previously, Potatey has severe food allergies; let's just say that the upsetting things HAD to do with food, specifically food Potatey CANNOT have.... No, no, he's fine. Same cannot be said for the feelings of a, well meaning, teacher I'm afraid),
  • a manic pizza baking session (from scratch, thank you very much, GFCFSFEF etc etc blah blah) and delivery of said pizza to Salamander's school for a noon time Valentine's Day pizza party,
  • a potential new client that I was going to meet at 2 pm called and asked me if we could meet at 1.30 pm instead (WAAAAAAAH.. sure, OK, no problem; let me just wave my magic wand and ... metamorphosis.. ),
  • Salamander's school bus breaking down, which of course triggered major anxieties in Salamander (nobody bothered to inform Salamander or his class mates that their regular bus had broken down and it would take some time to get another bus), with resulting behaviors and misunderstandings on the school bus

Now I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day, for multiple reasons. But I guess in the end it all turned out. My new client hired me for some contracting work, for 10 hours a week for at least the next 3 - 4 months (and this is a paying client.. always a good thing). My goal is to have 4 solid clients by this summer; I currently have 2 clients (well, 3 actually; but I'm not sure how 'solid' this 3rd one will continue to be.. so I'm on my way)

As to the brownie points? Check out this local gal, she now has a yum, yum, allergen free brownie mix (Fudge Brownie Mix). My boys went wild over the results...


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