Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So far...

today's already a total BUST....

Potatey was up last nite pretty much every 2 to 3 hours. Nightmares. Of the screaming out loud, running out of his room crying 'Mommy, mommy, I'm scared, where are you' variety. And he can't really articulate what is making him so scared once he's lucid.. (he HAS been clearing a TON of metals as of late, his UTM (Urine Toxic Metal) reports are, well, intense.. and I'm sure the nightmares are related to his kidneys and liver working overtime.. I've seen this happen in Salamander as well). Anyway, due to the nightmares and some other stuff I had maybe 3 hours of sleep myself...

Miraculously I got everybody up, showered, dressed, through breakfast and Salamander on the school bus, Potatey in the car and off to his school.

9 am, my cell phone goes off (I'm driving Potatey to his school at that point). It's the nurse at Salamander's school.. 'he threw up at school (again...), I am looking for somebody to come get him from school''. Click. (as an aside, I LOVE the 'I'm looking for SOMEBODY to come get him' phrase. Now who'd you really think would be getting Salamander from school, hmm????)

Sigh, this has been the 4th 'puking shortly after arriving at school' incident in about 2 or 3 weeks. Something is going on here, I'm just not sure what. Car sickness from riding in the back of the bus facing backward (hey, he's an almost 10 year old boy.. riding in the back of the bus facing backwards horsing around with your school buddies is what 10 year old boys do)? Anxiety about certain events at school? Stomach bug (there's a TON of nasty bugs going around right now)? Metabolic difficulties (Salamander's UTMs have been almost suspiciously quiet as of late.. so maybe his body is gearing up for the next round..)? Any and all of the above?

So I raced Potatey to his school (who pitched a fit after deducting from my end of the phone conversation that big bro was going to get to 'stay home for the rest of the day'), turned around and got to Salamander's school. Nurse was already anxiously awaiting my arrival.

I took Salamander home, he's 'chillaxing' now and he does look 'out of it' (he has that wonderful 'vampire look' that I've learned to recognize as a warning sign of metabolic difficulties; pale white/yellowish face, bright red lips, red circles around the eyes, spaced out look in his eyes). I'll give him a snack and some of his metabolic support supplements and then in an hour or so I'll be able to gauge if he's bouncing back. If so, then we'll make an attempt at getting school work done (4th grade is TOUGH, and it's very easy to fall behind on the school work...).

Will I get any of MY work done? Well, not during the DAY, that's for sure...
Instead I'll use the daytime hours get my 2007 taxes finished up. THAT is something I CAN do while Salamander is working on his school stuff or otherwise engaged....

Off to make myself another MONSTER pot of coffee...

Oh, and really, AN EARTHQUAKE IN THE UK???????


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