Friday, September 05, 2008

Insanely busy, crazy, chaotic, confusing, stressing, frustrating, loony day out here.

So far boys have been doing good with going back to school. Potatey is having a blast - he is getting an absolute kick out of the bus trips. And, as expected, he's tackling the new situations, new environments with gusto (and it's interesting to hear him very precisely articulate his feeling around the new adventures - TG that he is so STELLAR at verbalizing and self talk..). Salamander was super tired this morning.. not sure what's up... main issue is that his usual structures at school are not yet in place (yes, yes, it's only the 3rd day of school, these things take time), which leaves him feeling unsettled and ungrounded (and then we have Tropical Storm Hannah brewing too...)

Will post more when I can..


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