Saturday, November 29, 2008

Quick Check-in....

We're all OK. Just busy..

and a few things happened that are making me think long and hard about a lot of stuff... which is forcing me to go places in my mind and emotions that I really don't want visit right now.... as it means that I need to face up to certain realities and realizations... when all I really want to do is to continue to hide behind the "I can't do this right now, there is too much stuff going on with the boys. This will have to wait."
Cryptic, yes.... Hope to have time and energy to write a blog post tonite...

Have to get back to managing the usual chaos... the day is slipping away from me and I need to make sure I have at least a 3 hour slot this afternoon to do more work with Salamander on a 5 paragraph writing assignment for school (it took us 3 hours (!!) yesterday to compose a little less than 2 paragraphs; first draft for the assignment is due by Monday....).

I really do feel bad, the whole Thanksgiving Holiday is turning into "school work, school work and more school work" for Salamander... He works so incredibly hard, and it is so unfair that the actual 'output quantity and quality' do not match up with all the effort he puts into things...

[but on a positive note, his reading is DEFINITELY improving...]


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