Saturday, January 17, 2009

I had some weird allergic and/or sulphate reaction last nite....
My entire face and upper chest turned bright bright red, I got itchy all over and I started coughing and wheezing. I was able to put a stop to whatever was going on with a couple doses of Benedryl (and if it had not, I would have used an Epi-Pen followed by a 911 call - TG that wasn't the boys would have had to come with me in that case - yeah, major freak out would have ensued).

Today I just feel totally weird - very lightheaded, I have the chills, I am aching all over, and I am still wheezing (no fever, no congestion, no pukeys - so I don't think it's the flu or something like that). In fact, I feel so lousy that I had to resort to asking the boys' dad to 'take care' of the boys for me (a decision I may regret later, once I rejoin the living; plus you can all imagine how well my request was received....).

I'm crawling off back into bed now.. I hope that a few hours of sleep will put a stop to whatever is going on...


At 10:47 PM, January 17, 2009 , Blogger K Fuller said...

I really hope you feel better and that you can figure out what caused it. YIKES! Do you have an epi pen?

At 10:12 AM, January 18, 2009 , Blogger Petra said...

Yes, I do have Epi-Pens all over the house, because of Potatey's anaphylactic response to all things dairy. Of course those are the Jr. version, but if things had gone really bad I would have used 1 or 2 on myself. I still have no clear idea as to what happened, I think it may have been a 'and the toxin bucket spilleth over' kinda thing (I haven't been very good as of late in watching my gluten/dairy/sulphate/lipid intake). I will get an Epi Pen for myself, just to be on the safe side, and I need to work on getting my own 'toxin bucket' cleaned out.

At 5:14 PM, January 18, 2009 , Blogger Charlie said...

Hope you're feeling better today. I just have to say, you are the widget queen this week! I just noticed your NeoPlanet widget... Charlie is having a fit! "Approaching Earth..." LOL

At 11:44 AM, January 19, 2009 , Blogger Petra said...

Had to take the NeoPlanet widget down.. the blog kept crashing..


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