Monday, December 18, 2006

I have a brain...

Why, oh why, is it that certain players (both in my professional and in my personal life) feel it necessary to micromanage me and to tell me exactly what to do, when and how?

OK, I am the first to admit that there are days that I don't know what century I live in, let alone what day, time, or season it is, but that is because I am multitasking to such an extent that I have to use all available brain wattage to keep all the balls that I am juggling in the air (and not have them crash land on your head, dumbo..).

That means there is no grey matter left to answer inane questions like ' did I ever give you XYZ back?" No, nitwit, if YOU don't remember whether you gave me something back, fat chance that I will remember. I have enough to keep track of, and I am not interested in becoming the 'uber knower' for yet another issue.

That being said, I DO NOT need a reminder to attend a meeting that I scheduled MYSELF!!

I have a brain, and I am NOT afraid to use it.


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