Friday, June 20, 2008

Salamander's Report Card...

Some very very interesting changes.... I have to think about how to best describe what I'm 'seeing'... but it boils down to something that I've seen happening for the past month, maybe 2, or so.

Salamander is starting to 'get' that communication is more than an 'endless stream of words'. While Salamander has an enormous vocabulary, until recently, that vocabulary was primary put to use to describe concrete facts about his special interests. I don't think he truly 'got' that words have a 'feel' to them, a 'rhythm', that words can have a 'smell, a sound, a taste', that words can be 'happy or sad or angry or frustrated' (aka use words to convey emotions).

That is changing however, and it's changing FAST. His language is so much more fluid and natural. And I know that his reading comprehension is changing too...


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