Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Now Lookey Here...

So this is what happens when you get up at 3.30 am to get some work done, and you take a quick break while working up the courage to start that last tough piece that you just cannot get going on...

Take this test!
It's because of folks like you that people unite to accomplish great feats. Every movement needs a visionary, someone to lead the way and motivate the masses. And that someone is you. As a born leader, people honor your wisdom and are inspired by your commitment to your cause, company, or family. You're capable of encouraging others to believe in just about anything you represent whether it be corporate restructuring, political reform, or healing crystals. And since you're such a team player and so smooth with the schmooze, you're a shoo in for big team meetings and other public presentations where people skills are a must. Where you lead, they will follow.

Who's like you:
Eleanor Roosevelt

Likely careers:
President, CEO, motivational speaker, V.P. of sales

Hmmm, gotta think about this result for a bit....



At 8:22 AM, June 20, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No surprises here. Anyone who deals with what you deal with, day in and day out, the emotional storms and the logistical challenges, keeps the medications straight and the kids from self-destructing? SURE she has what it takes to run a country. Could there be any doubt?

At 11:19 AM, June 20, 2008 , Blogger Petra said...

Well, thank you m'am!! (and thanks for droppin' in)

Now that you mention it, 'only' having to worry about running a country would be a nice 'holiday' so to speak.

As to a response to your 'let's hope' comment in response to my latest comment, I 'think' you probably have already figured out the answer to THAT (oh, I DO get such a kick out of being cryptic sometimes)


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