Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Your Vote is Needed!!!!



All of you that pop in here on a regular basis know how near and dear to my heart the Lend4Health concept/blog is. And as you can see from that Vote for Lend4Health button in the right hand column of my blog, there will be a contest on IdeaBlob soon that, if we can round up the votes, gives the Lend4Health idea a shot at $10,000!!!!!

My brilliant and amazing friend Tori put a video together about Lend4Health. You can watch it HERE (I would have embedded the video itself, but as this blog uses an older "template" version, I can't). Please go watch it NOW.

And then please click on the Vote for Lend4health button and pledge your vote. Pledging, and between 10/22 - 10/31 placing, your vote is FREE. And by taking this very small action, you can potentially make a HUGE difference.

Thank you!!


At 10:46 AM, October 18, 2008 , Blogger Tori said...

Thank you! :) I was up till 4:00 am last night making that video! hahahaha! Yes, I'm crazy. But it's for a great cause, and I totally appreciate your constant support!

At 11:21 AM, October 18, 2008 , Blogger Petra said...

You are very welcome (hey, I have the easy part.. you're the creative genius, I'm just doin' a bit of advertising here and there..).


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