Saturday, January 03, 2009

Why I Removed from my side bar....

A few weeks ago announced that they wanted to start an Autism topic. They were looking for editor bloggers to help run the Autism topic. I was tempted to toss my name in the rink, just for the heck of it, as I certainly don't have any claims to fame in this arena (not like my friend Kim S, or my friend C.G., or several others that are so much more active in the advocacy arena).

Apparently over 1,500 applicants put in a bid. And I received an announcement this morning that the new autism topic had been launched. I popped over this morning, more than a bit excited, after all this autism topic is run under the umbrella...

And oh, was I disappointed by the choices for editor bloggers...

I am sure they are good people, but these people do NOT represent change. They represent old school, autism is genetic, it's just a different way of being, thinking. I am sure that within all those folks that applied could have find at least one that would have been able to bring in 'the other view point.'

While I am sure as an organization has the right 'spirit', I can no longer in good faith and conscience keep a link/advertisement for them up on my blog. And I sure as heck will NOT ever set foot again on the autism section....

David Kirby had some interesting stuff to say about all of this. I'll let him do the talking for me.. (definitely check out the comments too.. there is a great letter from a gentleman by the name of David Taylor that he sent to the big kahunas behind I hope they will listen....)


At 9:58 PM, January 03, 2009 , Blogger Renee said...

You said exactly what I was thinking when I read the post on Definitely not change oriented!


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