Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Autism is a global problem...

As I was paying a visit to a dear friend's blog, I fell smack, bang into this posting. It left me reeling (and I don't reel easily these days), especially the comment about the average life expectancy of kids with autism in North Korea after diagnosis and institutionalization being less than 2 years.

Now what the H E double toothpick is wrong with all of us collectively as a society that we think this kind of crap (pun very much intended) is OK???
[to clarify, I DO exclude from the aforestated 'we', those of us that are actually treating our kids for their medical problems.. yes, those crazy biomed people who have the nerve to believe that autism is a complicated biochemistry disorder, as opposed to just 'different wiring']

Where is the outrage, the demand for research, the demand for international (and even national) aide to help these kids, where are the big benefit concerts?

Does anybody beyond the biomed autism community even care? I hope so, I really do hope so, because if not.. the future for our kids, spectrum and non-spectrum, will be bleak...
And while society at large continues to be asleep at the wheel, I will continue to link or post about stuff that could be the wake-up call.


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