Saturday, February 07, 2009

Please Send Lots of Good Energy (& Cinco De Linco)

[UPDATE ON FEB 7, 9 am - Charlie is once again not doing so good. As he's not my kiddo, I can't get into 'his business'. Just asking you send lots of good thoughts, prayers and well wishes into the universe for him]

to my dear bloggy friend & "sister in arms" Jeanne. Her sweet little Charlie has hit a rough spot...

Jeanne, if you happen to drop in here, I emailed you a few thoughts. Also, call me anytime you need to.
[Update on Feb 6, 11 am - Jeanne is reporting that Charlie is doing much better. Yippieieieie!!!!]

And although all of us would have understood if Jeanne didn't have time to promote 'Cinco de Linco' day on Lend4Health, she stuck with her commitment anyway.
So without much ado, pop over HERE for the monthly Cinco de Linco announcement.

And while Jeanne seems worried about a 'perceived' conflict of interest as the sole loan up right now is for her Charlie, I have no such reservations. Especially not in light of Charlie's current struggles.

So if you have some change floating around that you want to give a good home, there is nobody more deserving and in need right now than Charlie. The sooner these tests can be run, the sooner there will be answers to help Charlie get back on track.


At 1:04 PM, February 06, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww... thanks P!! :-)


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