More than Words...
Sorting through my emotions..
Trying to find the words to describe what being amongst 'my own tribe' these past several days in Chicago has meant to me..
And I can't.. at least not yet...
So incredibly "I-can't-find-the-right-word" for an awesome group of incredible *sisters in Yasko* (and a few select *brothers in Yasko*) who have been and continue to be there for me.. no questions asked.. no judgments made.. ever.
This same group has also never EVER made me feel like I needed to pass a 'severity of autism' or 'your child never lost language so you don't know what it's like' or a 'what do you mean, you can't pinpoint which vaccine did this to your child' test in order for my concerns for my boys to be taken seriously (and the same cannot be said for several other biomed groups that I've crossed paths with).
You see, I have never really been (or will ever be) a card carrying member of any of the gazillion persuasions that exist within the autism community (zealots on either side of the Great Divide scare the crap out of me. That being said, I do firmly believe that the current manifestation of "autism" is a man made disease...but at the same token, I just cannot support ALL treatments promulgated by the DAN! Protocol..).
All I ever wanted, and all I am driven by, is for MY boys to be the best THEY can be. Regardless of whether they have the "right" autism diagnosis", or "whether they can talk or not". After all, the metabolic blocks that my kids walk around with have not just caused a variety of challenges at this point in their lives, but may also present them with a different set of health challenges later in life. These metabolic blocks need to be supported/treated, regardless of DSM-IV diagnosis status. And this particular group so gets that.
Thank you..
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It should never be about your child needing to have the right alphabet diagnosis. It is about your child having the life he was meant to lead. If something has changed his path and you can do something about it you will. I pity the fool who stands in your way! I may put that up as my facebook status!
Dear Concerned, appreciate the feedback, but I am taking your comment down. There are very specific reaons why in S's particular case a trial of black cohosh/dong quai has been recommended.
I've been at this long enough to know what I am doing & I trust the practioner I work with with S's LIFE. She would never suggest anything that would harm him.
K - thanks very much. Yes indeed, "pity the fool who stands in my way". Wink, wink.
Petra -
As Stephen Hawking said "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."
It is very telling to me that you took my posting down that challenged your belief that giving black cohosh and/or dong quai to a 11 yo is safe. Does S's pediatrician know that you are giving him these herbal supplements? I do hope so.
Since you will most likely also delete this post, I will say that:
In regards to your practioner, Dr. Yasko I believe, I question her expertise if she is suggesting that a 11 yo begin a trial of black cohosh/dong quai for the issues you mentioned in your first reply to my original post. The links I cited in my original post to you list many side effects associated with both herbs and, in no certain terms, should either be given to a child.
Petra, fakes, phonies and crackpots come in all shapes and sizes...and many wear doctor's coats. And quite a few prey on the fears/insercurities of parents.
The information is out there regarding children and herbal supplements. You can find it with a little time on your part. I challenge you to not become a zealot in your beliefs and to please do not dismiss those that challenge you. For that is how one learns and grows.
"Fakes, phonies and crackpots come in all shapes and sizes...and many wear doctor's coats. And quite a few prey on the fears/insercurities of parents"
Yup indeed. And yet others hide behind a "private/protected" profile.
Will leave your comment up. Consider your concerns noted.
And as to "I challenge you to not become a zealot in your beliefs and to please do not dismiss those that challenge you. For that is how one learns and grows." That, dear Concerned, goes both ways..
Thank you for not deleting my second post. I truly appreciate it.
And yes, I do agree fully with you, regarding being accepting of new ideas but, for me, the ideas must have some gravitas behind them to be taken in a serious manner.
And I would never delete a post by one who challenges my beliefs but take it as an opportunity to possibly learn something new.
For when the Universe speaks, its voice can come from the most unexpected places.
Peace and Love.
While it may not appear that way, and while my initial response to your original reply may have been a bit hasty, we are actually going to the same place, just by different routes..
"And yes, I do agree fully with you, regarding being accepting of new ideas but, for me, the ideas must have some gravitas behind them to be taken in a serious manner."
"For when the Universe speaks, its voice can come from the most unexpected places."
I couldn't agree more...
Peace and Love right back at you..
ys action speak work more than word
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