Monday, August 25, 2008


IT IS ON: I just caught the first 15 minutes or so. So far it's a nice piece, but a little blah...
Along the lines of "Asperger's is a neurological disorder that's present from birth; it's not the same thing as autism but a close cousin; the recent rise in diagnosis is because of better understanding; people with Asperger's have hyper focus; people with Asperger's frequently have special talents"; etc. etc.

I will get the podcast and will then listen to it when I actually have time (and not while I am running around doing 18 million other things).

One more thing - the man, Nicky, is extremely articulate and shows an amazing capacity for higher order thinking (albeit very *self* focused). Just listening to him, I am not surprised that he *flew under the diagnostic radar* until he was 20 years old... No way Salamander would have been able to pull that off though. But that may be because he is dealing with so much more than *straight* Asperger's....

Rumor has it that WBUR will be rebroadcasting its Jan 08 show on Asperger's Syndrome at 11 am today.... I've searched the WBUR website and can't get confirmation.

Here's the link to the Jan 08 show. I'll update this post if it is being rebroadcasted (I may try to get the podcast in that case).


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