Watch out world!!!
Potatey is SUCH a flirt.. It's going to require some explaining to his potential 'significant other' several years down the road that flirting is in this kiddo's genetic make-up...
He's detoxing at a pretty decent rate, and his lips are a little dry and cracked. So he asked me for some cream to put on his mouth tonite, as his lips were hurting. Unfortunately, the only face cream in his room contains oats .. a no-no, as I now know..
So I asked him "Do you want a kiss from mommy instead to make it better?" Yup, he was willing to try that.. So he pointed to one corner of his mouth, and I planted one on him. Then he said: "That helped a little, mommy, but the other side of my mouth still hurts. That side needs a kiss too." So he got another mommy kiss, on the other side of his mouth. Then the little bugger starts smirking and points to the middle of his mouth and says "To make it all better, I need a kiss there too."
All right, all right, I get it.. I just got suckered into something... But he is so darn cute!!!
(and Goddess help me, he's not even 4 years old!!!)