Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Commander Salamander, I Salute You!!!!

[^%@@ blogger again won't let me upload pictures..]

Salamander is turning 11 years old today.

Yes. I. Am. Mom. To. An. Eleven. Year. Old (now how the hell did THAT happen? I certainly don't feel *old* enough to have an almost teenager..LOL) And what a wild roller coaster ride these past 11 years have been.

I am so incredibly privileged, BLESSED, to have been given the opportunity to parent this absolutely amazing young man. I would not be who I am today if not for him.

Salamander babe, I think you are 200% amazing. You are my hero (and I'll keep telling you that, even when you're totally sick of hearing it, even when I embarrass you a little, and especially on those rough days that it's all too much for you and you say to me that you are 'such a loser'. Which you are so NOT).

You hear me, young man? You. Are. My. Hero. (you can tackle me and pound on me later..)

The things you've had to deal with, the things you ARE dealing with, the obstacles you've had to overcome, in these past 11 years - it takes a very very very strong person to handle what life has tossed your way, to be able to do what you are doing, and get through it all to come out on the other side.

Man child of mine (you have recently perfected the disgusted "Mom, I can't believe you just called me that" eye roll whenever I slip up and call you "baby"), I try very hard to not dwell on what happened during the first 6 odd years of your life, on all the mistakes I made, all the things I missed, on all the things I didn't do for you that I should have done.

And on a gloriously sunny day like today, when you bounced out of bed this morning all excited about celebrating your birthday with your family, so happy, so *present*, so *all there*, it's easier to 'not go there', to stay with what is now, with how far you've come, with how well you are doing.

You have come a long, looong way from that oh so angry, aggressive, terrified, confused, so very sick, little Kindergartner you were when you turned six. When you first started collecting your *alphabet soup*, I was told of so many things you would never do, never be comfortable at, never be able to learn. And I am so happy to say that, especially over the past 2.5 years, you have done nothing but prove many of those "blanket statements" completely and utterly WRONG (and we're blessed, I do realize that, as it doesn't happen that way for every kiddo).

It's been such a thrill to watch you grow your wings, and to watch you test them and have them grow stronger every time you do. The sky, no The Universe, truly is the limit.

My dearest boy, You. Kick. Ass. And here's to many more years of ass kicking.

Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, my precious one.

P.S. I love you.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

On Bullying.. Part Two

This is going to be a difficult post for me to write, as part of me still feels that by taking less of a 'jump right in there and fix it' role in resolving the situations I am *abandoning* Salamander, so be patient with me.

First off, I fully understand that the way Salamander and I have (collectively) decided to go about dealing with this situation is going to make some people crinch, other people shake their head, and more people shout out 'what the heck is she thinking'.

And I'll be honest, attempting to resolve the situations between Salamander and the other boy (I'll refer to him as T from now on) in the fashion as I'll describe is making me nervous. Very nervous.

You see, my first instinct, when anybody messes with either of my kids, is to *go nuclear, swoop in for a good ole' mauling, and then do the fixing FOR my kids*. So I was *less than pleased* when my very wise friend C.R. suggested that going about things my usual way may not be in Salamander's best interest anymore. That it would be much MORE in Salamander's interest, considering how far he's already come in navigating the social arena, and considering that he will find himself in *bullying type* situations many more times during his life time, to actively teach him how to cope and to then let him put what he's been taught into practice.

At first, I so was NOT hearing what my friend had to say. I wanted this situation resolved, I wanted school to take action, I was going to tell school exactly what they needed to do to *fix* things.

Thank goodness it was Sunday afternoon and there was nothing I could do today, except for just being with what she said. And then it hit me. Here I am, always talking about how it is my job as a parent to teach my kids the tools they need to live happy, productive, independent and fulfilled lives. But me swooping in as Ms. Fix-It is so not teaching them one dang thing.. beyond dependence on me that is. And that is not what I want, for either of my kids.

Salamander has progressed so far, he is becoming quite savvy socially and it is time for me to take a few steps back (stretching that umbilical cord again), to still help him find the best path to take, but to then let HIM be the one to start walking that path (instead of me bulldozing down anything in his way to clear the path for him).

Salamander and I talked for a long time this afternoon. The longest conversation we've ever had I think. And I do want to put out there that there is no way I could have had a conversation like this with him a year ago. And that my decision on how to proceed with this situation would have been very, very different then.

I started with telling him how incredibly proud I am of how he's handled the situations between him and T so far, of how he's tried to deal with and fix the situations on his own, and how I completely understand how distressing and difficult and FRUSTRATING things have become.

I then explained to him, that unfortunately, this probably won't be the last time that he finds himself in situations like these. That these will probably come up in Middle School and High School. That in fact, he'll come across people acting like total jerks for the rest of his life (heck, I come across 2 or 3 or 4 on a weekly basis.. but maybe that says more about me.. LOL).

I also to him that, although I very much want to make this whole situation go away and fix things for him, that I want to make sure that he never finds himself in a situation like this ever again, unfortunately life doesn't work that way. And that because these kind of situations will happen again, it is MY job as a parent to give him the tools needed to best cope and deal.

We then talked about the specific situations and confrontations that have been happening. And together came up with strategies to try.

For example, the next time T gets in Salamander's face and then body slams/body checks him when Salamander tries to create personal space and walk around T, Salamander CAN speak up and say: "T, that's dangerous and destructive behavior. Please stop." We talked about the fact that it may be necessary for Salamander to say this a few times, and that it's OK for Salamander to raise his voice if he needs to repeat himself. And that, when a school staff member comes over to investigate, it is OK to disagree with T when T says "We're fine. It's nothing". That it is completely appropriate to then say" "Actually, I'm not fine. T has been slamming into me/body checking me and I've asked him to stop. I need help to make sure T actually stops."

T also has gotten into the habit of using another boy, whom I'll call C, as a messenger. C will come over to Salamander during recess time and say: "T needs to talk with you." This typically happens when Salamander is in the middle of a recess game with other kids and of course he doesn't want to stop playing. And back and forth C will go, to the point that Salamander will give in and interrupt what he's doing to listen to what T needs to tell him. And T always insists that these conversations take place in locations where school staff does not have a direct view on them.

Salamander already understood that the first thing that needs to happen is to get C out of all of this. So the next time C gets sent over as messenger, Salamander will say to C "C, really, if T wants to talk with me, he should just come over and tell me so himself." We then talked about that Salamander does NOT have to agree to T's insistence to have a conversation away from where school staff can see them. That it's OK to say: "T, I'm happy to talk with you, but we are going to talk right here. I want for the teachers to be able to see us as we may need their help."

Salamander quickly caught on to the fact that just because T makes a request/demand and/or acts a certain way, Salamander does not have to go along with it. That standing up for yourself and pushing back (in a polite, based on facts way) is not 'tattling or telling on a person'. We did a lot of role playing (and had great fun doing it as we could make the situations really exaggerated and silly), and it was really wonderful to see Salamander's confidence in himself grow. I do hope that, in the *under fire* situations, Salamander will be able to remember the strategies we talked about and not fall back into old patterns. Time will tell.

There is more I need to/want to say about this, but that will have to hold until tomorrow. It's getting late and I need to be up early tomorrow morning. And I am still far from completely recovered from my illness (I am doing a bit better every day, but it'll be a while before I'm back to baseline).

Saturday, March 28, 2009

On Bullying...

It is starting to look like Salamander is being bullied by another boy.. who also has an autism spectrum disorder (the struggles in their interactions have been going for a while now.. I've written about it before HERE and HERE). If the boy was neurotypical, I would know exactly how to handle things with school. But as the other boy is also on the spectrum, it complicates matters. Link

I keep reminding myself 'behavior is communication', but for the life of me I cannot figure out what the other boy is trying to communicate by making Salamander's life miserable during snack, recess and lunch times. What is this other boy getting out of doing what he's been doing? Attention? And really, having an ASD should never be an excuse for making another person miserable (whether if it's unintended..).

Any advice?

I am considering having an 'off the record' chat with the principal on Monday, just to lay out what Salamander has told me has been happening (and a whole bunch of things came to a head today), and to seek his counsel on what we can do next. The principal has been nothing but supportive of Salamander (and me) on anything and everything we've raised to his attention for the past 3 years..

UK Autism Rally & A Handsome Scot

A fellow warrior parent is/was the driving force (yes Mark H., that would be you) behind organizing an Autism Rally in London (UK). I so wished I could have been there.

But alas, a variety of circumstances made it impossible for me to pull that off (Mark? Do keep me posted on the next one. I may just bring the boyos).

There is however something I CAN do right now, this minute, that ties in directly with what this rally is attempting to accomplish. More awareness, more attention to what is also becoming an ever growing challenge in the UK, more support & making a direct impact on the lives of so many impacted by autism.

And it's that making a direct impact that I am committed to, with heart and soul.



There currently is a loan request open on Lend4Health, for a handsome young Scot. His name is Geoffrey and he is 11 years old. Geoffrey's family is planning to establish a charity in the UK that would help fund biomedical and stem cell treatments for families of children with autism. The cost required to establish such an organization would take away from the family's ability to purchase needed items for Geoffrey. The Lend4Health loan for a year's supply of Geoffrey's probiotics is an equivalent cost to that which it will cost for the family to establish their charity. As such, this loan will "free up" the funds needed to start their charity.

Geoffrey's loan is approx. $97 away from being funded. What it'll take is a couple of folks chipping in, $5 maybe even $10 at a time. Please check out Geoffrey's story and if you feel so inclined, please be one of Geoffrey's Heros.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


95% sure that I have pertussis. It's difficult to definitely diagnose in adults, as most adults don't get the characteristic 'whoop'. But I definitely have all the other symptoms (including hacking up a lung about every 10 seconds).

From what I've read online and in all of my natural healing books, antibiotics are pretty much useless for pertussis. Sure, they may help prevent spread of the disease. But they do NOTHING to alleviate the symptoms (just like cough suppressants do absolutely nothing - oh, does THAT sound familiar..).

So I'll be going even more aggressively on the natural agents and homeopathic route (I have most recommended agents on board already, just need to add a few more), and I'll somehow have to find a way to rest, rest, rest and rest (that's gonna be the REALLY tough part).

Boys are fully vaccinated against pertussis (but then again. so was I. Although I'll admit that my vaccinations are ancient history by now, and the prevailing pertussis strains have changed from when I was a kid. Plus we all know how effective vaccines can be, eh?) - but I'll be keeping a very close eye on them.

Crap, crap, and more crap..

[oh, and don't even suggest that I, temporarily, pass the reigns on caring for the boys on to the other parent.

I explored that option this morning. Got a very *tortured* sign and an eye roll....

You know what? "F" him. I'll manage.. As long as I can keep the boys healthy and in school, I should be able to get some rest in during the day hours..] But I am going to try to limit myself to "absolutely essential activities" only, so I may not be blogging a whole lot for a while]

Monday, March 23, 2009

Am hanging in. Just working through some stuff...

That gosh dang cough came back, which is not helping. I am trying something different this time - I started a full-out antiviral/antibacterial assault - I am currently taking caprylic acid (2 x day), OLE (2x day), Moducare (1 x day), Super Immune Boost (cocktail of arabinogalactan, OLE, beta glucan, colostrum), and GSE (1 drop 3 x day) to hopefully give my immune system enough of a boast to wipe whatever this bug is OUT. It is working, ever so slowly, but man, it's also making me bone and bone tired (major viral detox). And as I was already dragging ass...

Busy weekend. Potatey's birthday party yesterday afternoon was a rip roaring (literally - 14 kids of various shapes, sizes and ages running amok) success. When Potatey fell asleep last nite, he said to me "Mom, this was the funnest afternoon ever. But if you don't mind, I really want to go to sleep now." LOL

I'll post more about the birthday party later. I have tons of great pictures; I had arranged for a presentation by the folks from Curious Creatures [too lazy to add a linky thingy right now, just google them OK?]. Let's just say that especially the Tarantula, the (juvenile) Alligator, and various Boa Constrictors were very well received by the (mostly boy) party crowd.

Be patient with me for a little while. My postings will probably by sporadic (and erratic??). I have another busy week ahead (today is already turning particularly insane), and as getting things done takes a lot of effort right now, I need to use my energy wisely.

TTYL (or as Tigger would say "Ta ta, for now..")

P.S. Have to add two more thought. While my little family's life may be "unusual, unconventional, challenging, difficult, different, strange, weird" or whatever label "polite society" wants to stick on it.. I'll take it ANY DAY over a "normal" family life. I got to observe up close and personal how so-called "normal" families (dys?)function. Especially after "listening in" for a bit on some of the conversations between the "normal" moms.. Aaacckk.. "Stepford Wives"...
Even IF Salamander were ever to recover to "indistinguishable from NT" point (which would also mean no more dietary interventions, no more supplements etc - highly unlikely, I know), I know I will always feel "like a fish out of water" amongst the "normal moms".

Oh, and amongst Potatey's visitors I certainly got to watch certain "pediatric healthcare statistics" in action. There were at least 2 little guys who are showing signs of heading into full blown ADHD, 1 little guy who was so obviously on the spectrum (parents do not realize it) that it was painful to watch, 1 little guy that seemed to be suffering from exercise induced asthma, 1 little guy who has survived childhood cancer, my own diagnosed spectrum boy (Salamander), my own food allergies etc boy (Potatey), my friend David's little girl who is on the spectrum, 1 beautiful young lady with Celiac Disease. We had 14 kids in total over, and at least 9 of these kids had something going on... (and of those remaining 5 "normal" ones, two looked very very unhealthy..)

Friday, March 20, 2009

I seem to have utterly misplaced my "can do, the glass is half full and somebody will come and top it off" attitude. It went missing sometime Wednesday nite, and I haven't been able to find it back. Petra has gone MIA, and Debbie Downer & Suzy Whiner have teamed up and taken her place.

I started a long, rambling, very whiny post, but I am NOT going to put it up. Bleegh.
What the f#ck is wrong with me?

I have so much to be thankful for, so much to be grateful for. The boys are doing pretty well, my own health challenges are under some measure of control, business is doing well (am over my eyeballs in paying work), first day of spring, the sun is shining....

I started making a list of all my blessings, to try and boost myself up. And it so ain't working. I am tired, I am empty, I am utterly 'flat'.

I am desperately choosing to be "OK". I am making that choice about every 5 minutes.
And the choice is so not sticking.

I have 18 million things to get done. But can't find the energy to get started on even one..

YUCK. I am totally disgusted with myself...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, "Baby" Boy....

[I'm having trouble getting blogger to upload pictures, so I'll try again later]

Potatey is turning six years old today.

I can remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. And let just say that, looking back, his arrival certainly set 'the tone' - this child never does anything half-assed. He arrived almost 6 weeks *early* (and at a whopping 6 lb 12 oz - he would have been a 10 pounder if he had gone full term, no doubt about it). Potatey decided he was 'done', and by the Gods, when this child decides he's done, he is DONE!!!!

Beautiful boy [he HATES it when I call him beautiful - he will grab my face, will look straight into my eyes and say "Mom, beautiful is for GIRLS. I. AM. NOT. A. GIRL.", followed by a dazzling smile and a "But you can call me handsome."].

Precious boy.

Your name means "Gift from Above", or "Gift from God", and oh, what a gift you are. There are no words to describe what you mean to me, and what you mean to your brother, and what you have done FOR your brother (in helping me pull him out of his own world and making him part of ours).

You life so far has been anything but easy. After your stormy arrival, your first year was marred by your big brother's challenges really coming to an ugly head (and I know you didn't get your fair share of attention during that time- and I think it's testimony to your awesomeness that you simply decided to 'roll with the flow') .

You yourself had more than your share of "funky illnesses* during that time and then the discovery of your severe dairy allergy. And things didn't exactly stop there. It became obvious that your immune system wasn't functioning properly, you developed asthma, you had a very scary adverse reaction to the Varicella vaccine, you developed more food allergies, then Celiac's disease, and then.. and then...

It really wasn't until I, your mom, 'faced the music' when you were about 3.5 years of age and decided to go 'full bore biomed' with you too, that your health started to improve.

And I thank your Lucky Stars that I had the energy and courage to make that decision (despite people telling me that I was *nuts*, as after all you were still meeting all your developmental milestones on or ahead of target, so "what are you worrying about?". Uhm, my beautiful boy is in very poor health??).

And look at you now.. about 2.5 years later. You are the picture of rosy good health, eat like a piggy (within your particular dietary restrictions), have energy to spare (despite the metabolic/mitochondrial issues), are into and onto and under (literally and figuratively) EVERYTHING.

You are leaving your little peers in Kindergarten *in the dust*, both in social/emotional development (then again, you have been immersed in "social teaching, coaching and scaffolding" since you first became 'conscious'.. osmosis DOES apply here) and in academics (oh, the questions you come up with).

You are a presence, you have an energy about you. Every eye in the room is drawn to you when you enter. And you leave a void when you leave.

You truly are amazing!!!

[and I realize that it all could have gone very differently. And I will never take how things DID turn out for granted]

Beautiful, oh uhm sorry, HANDSOME boy. It is a delight to watch you grow, to have watched you blossom from sickly baby, to high energy tod, to precocious Kindergartner, and now to very *present* young child.

You are a blessing to me, to your brother, to all around you.

Thank you so much for choosing me to be your mother, for allowing me to share your life's journey for a little while.

Happy, happy birthday my sweet. I can't wait to see your grinning face when you bounce of the school bus this afternoon and tell me all about the special things you got to do in school today [And to then watch you tear into your presents].

I love you...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!

(and tomorrow Potatey will turn 6!!!)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Washing Machine Woos Over....

My new washing machine was just delivered and installed. Now excuse me (for a day or two.. LOL.. JUST KIDDING), while I "go (disgustingly) domestic". I have things, oh so many things, to wash...

Salamander doing much better. Fever free, (almost) goop free (Long Live Xlear Xylitol Nasal Wash!!), in a great mood and ready to go off to school.

Potatey had a good nite sleep (but was a major league cranky pants getting up. Funny thing, in the weekend he's up before the darn birds have even considered waking up. During the week? Can't get him out of bed..). H had no night mares, no being afraid of his own shadow, no being terrified of even the slightest little noise in the house (we live in a house that was built in 1900, noises are thereby a given). I have hopes that he has survived the trauma of watching a very scare and intense PG-13 movie (%$#^&($%!!!) relatively unscathed.
Note to self: do not EVER leave selection of an APPROPRIATE movie up to the other "parent"

Old clunker washing machine disconnected, pipes and tubes drained from water. Ready for my new one to arrive (already have lots of laundry to run through the beastie once it (he/she??) arrives). We have been living in this house for almost 7 years now, and no, I do NOT typically clean up BEHIND the washing machine. But what I found there today makes me want to seriously rethink that decision. GAAAAAAAAH!!

About to climb into the phone to schedule a slew of medical appointments. I tried on Friday afternoon, but despite the wonders of the electronic age, I hit a solid brick wall and got absolutely nowhere (I am scheduling all my appointments within the same hospital conglomerate so you'd think the various satellite offices would be "wired" into the main hospital and have access to my medical files.. Well, think again. NOT!!).

Then I have a bunch of paying work assignments to get completed, and I am sure that by the time that's all done it'll be pretty darn close to the time that my boys will come bouncing off the school bus again.

Catch you all later....

9:40 am - One set of follow up appointments scheduled. Only took 30 minutes. "So sorry, your doctor hasn't sent the paperwork yet, we can't schedule." "Now that's interesting because when I talked with her last week Thursday afternoon, she said she had put the requisitions directly into the [insert hospital] system." "Oh, let me look in our on-line system then." Me muttering under my breath "yeah, why don't you do that. Isn't that where you should have looked in the first place?" Oy...

3 more follow up appointments left to schedule. At this pace, I'll have them all scheduled by around lunch time today...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Loosing what precious little is left of my sanity....

Salamander has a sinus infection. Not sure if it's a flare up of the previous one (aka Zithro didn't catch it all), or a new one.

Regardless, I have a tough decision to make. Do I refill the Zithro script and blast the critters one more time, or do I step up on my homeopathics/naturals program and give it a few days?

I just want for Salamander to be well. His immune system is having a rough time of it this winter, and I just cannot seem to help him get on solid ground (and all these illnesses are doing a terrible number on his already fragile energy levels..)/

(and I can't help but wonder if that fluke lead exposure he had back in July 08 is what is at the bottom of his 'immune system crash'. Especially as past winters have been so much easier, and nothing else has really changed. Unless approaching puberty is having that much of an effect...)

8 pm update - Salamander is doing better. So far, increasing the homeopathics/naturals seems to have a positive effect, so I'll play it 'by ear' a few more days. I'm prayin' that the improvement will hold..
It was a wonderfully glorious, early spring day out here, so the boys spent most of it outside, soaking up the sun, breathing in (relatively.. LOL) clean air. They are both utterly pooped, rosy cheeked and bright eyed. And I got a chance to air out the entire house..

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sh#t, sh#t, sh#t.. Salamander is running a 103.7 F fever.. I KNEW something wasn't right as soon as he got up this morning...

Just gave him Motrin, will be checking his temp again in about 20 minutes. If it hasn't come down, off to the tub we go. And if that doesn't bring the temp down... well, let's cross THAT bridge when we get there...

Strap on your seat belts, heeeere we go again on the roller coaster from hell.......

[I do want to put your attention toward one thing though that I got involved with last nite; TweetLuck. Please check it out]

5 pm update - Salamander's fever has come down to 100.8 F. It took Motrin & a long soak in the tub. I have my suspicions as to what is going on, but not completely sure yet. I hope I can get him to eat something in a bit...
Potatey is a beastie. He feels utterly ignored and left out (and he's got a point).
Me? I need a drink...

9 pm update - Salamander's fever continues to hoover around 101 F. But he was laughing, chatting, interacting and generally very 'there', so whatever is going on, it's not affecting him too much right now cognitively. I had him take another Motrin at bedtime and he peacefully drifted off to sleep.
Potatey went off to sleep really well too.. much, much better than last nite (when he had a terror and nitemare filled bedtime because SOMEBODY let him watch Man in Black yesterday afternoon (a rather scary and intense movie that is rated PG-13!!!!). I finally had to give Potatey a double dose of Benedryl at around 10 pm last nite to help him go to sleep. Which of course resulted in Potatey being all grouchy and cranky for most of the day... Oy
I am WIPED. Emotionally spent and feeling very void/empty.
Going 'switch off'.. send some positive thoughts into the Universe that both boys will have a good nite..

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday The 13th..

is a GOOD thing...

DANG - forgot to mention a very important thing. We started a "$13 on the 13th" fundraiser for Lend4Health on twitter earlier today. Please join in by hopping over to Lend4Health if you can.

To put the Cherry in the Martini (or in my case the whipped cream on my Starbucks Espresso Truffle):

A work project that had given me quite some grief got through Agency review without any hiccups (and yes, that would be FDA; what, you didn't know? Yes, I do work with a variety of medical device companies to help them get approvals to market their products. I am however, quite choosy as to which companies I work with). My client got the necessary approvals for a much needed manufacturing process improvement today, and they are beyond happy (got a wonderful thank you note from one of the top guys at that same client today).

One of my invoices was paid (which means my bank account can come off life support.. LOL)

My new washing machine will definitely be delivered on Monday.

Off to make chicken/veggie/noodle soup for dinner...

Lindamood Bell Programs Just Friggin' ROCK!!!

Real quick.. as so far today has been one of those crazy, riding the roller coaster, up/down, twist around, multi task, pre-empt crises, can't catch my breath, and the real fun is just starting, kinda days..

I got Salamander's retest scores today from Lindamood Bell, these retest scores reflect an objective assessment of how he's doing now in various reading and math related 'processing' areas. And as a nice 'add on', the same document is also reflecting Salamander's scores BEFORE he started the Lindamood Bell tutoring programs.

OMG.. OMG.. Oh. My. God!!!!!

The differences are incredible. I need more time to digest and put into perspective, but let's just say that these scores confirm what I have known in my 'mommy gut' for years!!. Salamander's "learning related challenges' are (were?) an "access" problem, and NEVER an "aptitude" problem.

But the best part of course is that Salamander now LOVES to read. And that EXTREME anxiety around reading & math related school assignments? Dropped down to much more manageable levels....

I am giddy for joy.. mostly for Salamander of course (but a little for me too, as the tantrums around school work were really starting to wear me down..)

More later.. Hoppin back on the roller coaster... WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!! (oh where did I put my barf bag, parachute and flack jacket ..)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Oh What Fun...

Results of my check-up are currently very much a mixed bag. I have a bunch of follow-up appointments to schedule and get the necessary results to either rule things in, or out (thyroid,;a full work up on 'the girls' because of 'lumpy bumpies'; and a follow up on a 'bump' in my lower abdomen for starters).

Salamander came home severely hypoglycemic (somebody forgot to make sure he had his afternoon snack..GRRRRRR.. The kiddo has only been hypoglycemic for what, 8+ years? You'd think that the importance of 'eating something every 2.5 - 3 hours' would have sunk in by now?). Yup, acetone breath and a bad migraine, followed by projectile vomiting all over the bathroom and the kitchen. Oh joy.. I had kind of blanked out how much fun it is to clean up 'acetone' puke.

Shortly after dinner time, Potatey's cough turned into this wet, soppy, croupy, "I am hacking up a lung" cough, so he's been having a terrible time going to sleep. He's asleep now, but no guarantees that he'll stay asleep.

Salamander at bed time still had a headache and was still feeling a bit nauseous. And he was doing his OCD/anxiety 'going over all the fire hazards in the house' thing.

To top off 'the fun', I found a note in Salamander's backpack informing me that head lice are making the rounds in school again...

So my day that started with three big loads of peed in laundry, is going to end with one big load of pukey laundry.

Sure brings back memories of the 'old' days (well, maybe not so old)...

TMI? Too bad...

Gaaah.. gaslighted again..

"And the wheels on the effin' bus go round and round.."
[yeah, this is linking to a 'access restricted' blog. There are things I need to be able to rave and rant about, but can't toss out 'in the larger web domain' just yet]

Oh, and later this afternoon I will have my first 'real doctor' check-up since.. oh, I think my 8 week post partum check after Potatey was born? (and Potatey will be 6 years old in about a week).

Bad, I know. I'm gonna get yelled at. Ah well...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

On Nasty Anonymous Comments...

As you know, I have shut down the ability to leave comments anonymously, as my philosophy is "If you've got something to say, you should feel comfortable attaching a name to it."

And while I do realize that not all of my readers have a google/wordpress or other blog platform account, I haven't heard from anybody telling that they were major league inconvenienced by me shutting down the anon commenting feature.

And lo and behold, no more nasty comments since I made the decision to shut down anonymous commenting.

Now I have a pretty good idea as to who the nasty commenter(s) was/were, and the person(s) apparently has/have been hitting quite a few of my favorite blogs as of late. Latest 'victim' was Michelle O'Neil. I'll let Michelle do the talking, she sure has a way with words doesn't she?

And I wanted to stand up and applaud when Michelle indicated that, just because our kids have improved/are improving and while that may be hard on a person whose child(ren) have not improved, us moms of kids that improve do NOT deserve the nasty venom that's being thrown at us.

Autism can be an ugly thing. I've lived through many years of ugliness with Salamander (and I will never take how much he has improved/changed for granted; and I will also do WHATEVER IT TAKES to not ever go 'back there').

Jealousy is an ugly thing too.

Autism & Jealousy??? Brrrrr....

Sorry for not posting much these past several days.. Lots going on, but little time to write about it.

Boys are doing 'OK' health wise. Salamander's cough has come back (which worries me..) and his energy levels continue to fluctuate (he is loving the HB12 shots, is asking for them, but it's a catch 22. More HB12 initially means more energy, more 'aware and on', but then detox starts and I can see the energy levels drop again. It's very tough to watch). Potatey is being a complete pill; very sensitive, easily upset, anxious. I'm 99.9% sure that his detox is up again.

I am still coughing too.. antibiotics helped a little, but I am most definitely not where I need to be. And I am tired, tired, tired (I do have a doctor's appt tomorrow, I'll request a full thyroid work up, maybe some adrenal gland and hormonal work too).

Well, off I go to clean up my very messy house and then off to work on site at a client for the day..

(my new washing machine will be delivered next Monday.. I can't WAIT!!) And the L4H fundraiser was a roaring success. Two loan requests were completely funded).

Monday, March 09, 2009

Need Your Prayers and Good Thoughts..

Monday, March 9, 2009 Update
My friend's son will be starting his in-patient stay at a local hospital today. My friend is devastated. We don't know how long her boy will be staying, just that it'll be a while. The average in-patient stay at this hospital is 30 days.

Please pray that his stay gives them both the break they so desperately need and that this helps my friend determine her next steps....



I'm asking for another friend this time. She has been my friend, my mentor, my anchor to sanity since my early ventures into biomed. She has taught me much about advocacy; about how to work with schools; about 'what is autism and what is just being a kid'; about sibling dynamics, about the phases of grief a woman will go through (and has to go through and will continue to go through) when she realizes that her childrens' father will simply NEVER come on board, will never pull his weight; how to deal with both open and overt sabotage of what you are trying to accomplish by your childrens' father; how to not 'loose your cool' when in public gatherings and your child is having a good day that same uninvolved father is the first one to 'claim credit'; how to keep going, keep protecting your kids when your childrens' father has become your 'third child'..

She has been an instrumental part into helping me become who I am now. It is largely because of her that I am the person I am, with and for my boys.

She is a tireless advocate for all our kids, is an active member of a variety of autism organizations, she has fought tooth and nail for her affected child. And she entered this fight quite a few years before many of us, when there wasn't much awareness, much in terms of biomed beyond GFCF, much of anything.

She has done everything right, EVERYTHING. There is no biomed treatment under the sun that she hasn't researched, investigated, tried (but financial constraints are a HUGE BIG hurdle). With little to no support. And despite giving it her all, her son continues to struggle, in fact is having a terribly hard time now, and things have escalated to a point of (and I so hope that this will turn out to be temporary) 'no return'.

I so badly want to fix this, want to make it all better. She is a good person, her boy is a wonderful guy, her younger boy (not affected) is a friend of my two. They deserve for things to go right for them. They have already faced so much hardship. For this latest crisis to hit, it is just so unfair.

Please, please, pray for them. Send good thoughts and vibes into the Universe for them, whatever it is that you do. They need it all.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

It's Cinco de Linco WEEKEND!!!!

UPDATE.. UPDATE.. UPDATE.... Saturday March 7, 2009 9 am
So far, approximately $830 in loan contributions have come in. This is just mindboggling AWESOME.

And we'll keep on keeping on.

UPDATE.. UPDATE.. UPDATE... Friday March 6, approx noon time
Aydan's loan is FUNDED!!! Heehaw!!!
Close to $700 in loan contributions received so far..

UPDATE.. UPDATE.. UPDATE...Friday March 6, 2009 9 am
Looks like close to $600 came in yesterday... which is INCREDIBLE!!!

I'd love to see this continue today (and maybe even over the weekend?). Especially Aydan is getting so close to having his loan fully funded, he is only $115 away....

And the Cinco de Linco fundraiser was just extended to continue over the weekend...

on Lend4Health!!! The whole Cinco de Linco idea sprouted from my friend Jeanne about, what, six months ago and has been quite successful in giving the fund raisin' a boost.

There are currently six loans active on Lend4Health. Some of the kids are close to having their loan requests filled, and really, when you break the outstanding amounts down and a bunch of people go in for a $5 loan... Magic will happen.

For example, Ayden B is only $230 away from having his loan request filled. That's only 46 people each contributing $5. Similarly, Jordan is only $297 away...

Please pop over and contribute what you can.

Thanks in advance!!

WOW - we already raised $150 in Cinco de Linco loans. That's AWESOME!!! Keep it up.

Lots o Loans have been coming in today (I'll update with total amounts later). Keep 'em coming..

Friday, March 06, 2009

Gaslighting accomplished....

[picture me banging head against wall, pulling out ever more grey hair]

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Not one, but two blog posts from Jess about sibling challenges, when one child has an ASD and the other child does not.
I want to comment on both these posts, I NEED to comment.

But not yet, not yet... Right now, I just need to BE with the emotions and memories that these posts stir up..

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Washing Machine Woos...

Yes, I know.. I've complained about my washing machine before.. I do think however that it is now truly on its last legs (well, it's over 12? 13? years old).

So I need to go shopping for another one, as I cannot be without a washing machine (4 loads a day here.. on a good day....)
What I want, what I really really want is one of these....

Yeah. Right. Dream on, baby...

What I will most likely get (and I'll shop for a discounted one until I drop) is one of these...


So I hit kind of a wall yesterday late afternoon.. I had not slept (or even less than I typically do) in almost 5 days, I started developing an allergic reaction to the antibiotics I am on (yeah.. runs in the family) and the codeine laced cough syrup is doing SQUAT in actually stopping the coughing fits - I should have known...).

I had to ask for help.. and had to get that help from a person I really don't like to ask for help from. But hey, he's in town this week (most of the time he is NOT during the week).. the boys have hardly seen him in the past several months... so what the heck eh?

Call me paranoid, call me a suspicious biotch, but I can so feel a major "gaslighting" episode coming on.

The other parent has been bending over backwards since yesterday pm.. trying to cook for the boys, even sticking to their supplement routine (all pre-prepared by 'moi' of course). He has offered to take Salamander to Lindamood-Bell tutoring today (and I did take him up on that one.. I have business meetings coming out of my ears.. .and I'm supposed to squeeze in a doctor's appointment too). He even suggested that he could do some grocery shopping for the boys while Salamander is in tutoring (what? grocery shopping for somebody else? And multi tasking??). Is now asking 18 million questions about what is going on at the boys' schools, how things are going in scoping out a middle school program for Salamander, etc etc.


All my alarm bells are blaring.. I know the 'I'm so involved' stuff is serving a purpose somehow, and it'll be just a matter of time until I find out (yeah, yeah... benefit of the doubt and all that.... Sorry, but I've been 'burned' (almost beyond recognition) too many times before...)

Monday, March 02, 2009

Want to, no NEED TO, share Teresa and Megan's story....
Happy Sweet 16, Megan.

And then there is this Tale of Two Brothers that I have to share...

Snow Day...

1:45 pm - it stopped snowing around 11 am, and by then we had about 7 inches of white stuff. Boys went sledding for a bit, then a friend from the street came over and they played and played and played inside the house (and trashed the place utterly and completely in the process - I couldn't care less).

Right now, they are wolving down their lunches (spaghetti and meatballs.. comfort food.. Yum) - a late lunch, I know.. and we definitely had some 'low blood sugar snarlies'.

It just started snowing again, so we're not done just yet.

Oh yeah.. it's snowing all right. About 5 inches so far and it's supposed to keep snowing until sometime this afternoon....And the white stuff is coming down at a decent rate....

Schools are cancelled.
Slowly, but surely my business meetings are getting rescheduled (due to staff at my clients not being able to get into the office).

Not having to worry about my prior commitments for today is slowly falling into place.. which is good... as the meds I'm on & the bugs I'm fighting are making me very very tired. I have not a scrap of my usual energy and stamina.. after 10 minutes of doing stuff I HAVE to sit down (and I'm getting a tad frustrated with that).

Guess The Powers That Be are telling me that today needs to be a Hibernation Day....

Sunday, March 01, 2009

8:30 pm - school for tomorrow has been cancelled. Both good (as that means I won't have to get up at 5 am), and bad (as I have several business meetings as well as a parent teacher conference that I'll now have to either do by phone, or reschedule).

Ah well, we'll make it work...


5:45 pm - had no choice but to resume my 'zoo keeping' duties. Boys turned out to be NOT content just hanging in front of the TV, they wanted to DO stuff (and it would have been a perfect afternoon for some serious romping around outside.. as there isn't THAT much snow yet and it also isn't that cold).

And coming up with productive and structured things to do proved more than the other 'parent' could handle..

I got Salamander back in the throws of a flaming meltdown and Potatey was all weepy whiny (they're fine now.. Salamander made himself his OWN dinner tonite!!! Potatey is chatting up a storm).

Oy..I can NEVER die...

Most asinine statement of the day? "So, it must have been so good to have all this 'alone time' today"

Uhm.. I spent from 10 am till 2 pm in the ER.
And then I spent from 2.15 pm till 5.30 pm trying to rest and sleep (but I didn't really succeed - the albuterol treatment I had in the hospital got me seriously 'hopped up'...I forgot how 'wired' that stuff makes me...). So sure, I absolutely had a lovely time.. (sarcasm alert).

Highlight of my day? I had brought John Robison's book "Look Me in the Eye" with me to the ER, and started rereading it. it's been a great conversation starter as I've had multiple people come up to me with comments/questions about friends/family members with Asperger's Syndrome. And now that I've met John in person, I have a whole new perspective on the book.


2:15 pm - back from ER. I indeed have bronchitis.. and some funky inflammatory thing going on which resulted in a massively swollen lymph node in a very uncomfortable spot.

Took my meds (antibiotics.. codeine cough syrup) and was told that I need to stay off my feet and rest (as that massively swollen lymph node is pinching blood flow into my left leg a bit.. yup, the good ole' pins and needles feeling). So of to bed I go.. The other 'parent' will have to step up to the plate for at least the reminder of this day.. (which means that the boys will spend the day parked in front of the TV.. ah well).

We have a massive snow storm moving in.. expected to start 'dumping' around midnight and then all through Monday. Forecast in my region goes from anywhere between 8 and 16 inches. Wondering if there will be school tomorrow....



Off the ER.. for me.. I have been coughing non stop (most likely bad case of bronchitis).. and I haven't slept in 2 nites because of the coughing fits.. and then there's other stuff that's not right...
