Lots O' Loans..
up on Lend4Health...
Please check them out, and contribute to one (or two or more.. and we're talking micro loans here folks) when you can.
"Confessions straight from the fox hole"; our wild and wacky journey (mine and my two boys, 11 year old Salamander with Celiac's disease, metabolic dysfunction, Asperger's Syndrome and several LDs; and 6 year old Potatey with Celiac's disease and metabolic dysfunction) to "I don't know where". Perhaps the journey is a destination in itself? WARNING - my stories are definitely NOT of the schmalzy 'life with two kiddos with challenges is a Trip to Holland instead of Italy' variety..
Petra Smit | Create Your Badgeup on Lend4Health...
Sorry, but these are the only words sufficient...
Salamander is definitely responding to the Zithromax. He went to school today (although he was lobbying this morning for staying home 'just one more day, mommy.'..LOL). His nose and sinus cavities are clearing out, and he is not coughing as much anymore. The rash never returned, so I think what happened after that first dose was a combo of the things I mentioned before.
Kyra (This Mom) has been blogging about using the Nurtured Heart approach in all daily interactions with her boy. This post got me truly inspired and wanting to check this out more. I just ordered a whole bunch of books from Amazon.com about the Nurtured Heart approach.
I am officially in 'wanting to curl up in fetal position in a corner of my house, suck my thumb and rock back and forth' stage.
And here is Jess' take on the events of Saturday...
I was horrified to see the pics of myself that were taken at the dinner event.
12:45 pm update. Rapid strep throat culture came back negative, which means that Salamander does NOT have an active strep infection (TG for that). He does, however, have a massive sinus infection. As I've pretty much exhausted every other tool in my toolkit, I had to make the decision to go the antibiotics route. So as of 5 minutes ago, Salamander is on Zithromax (and yes, I'll step up my anti gut bugs protocol). I'll continue to keep a close eye on things, as the pedi shared with me this morning that she's seeing more and more sinus infections that turn out to be caused by buggies that are resistant to Zithromax. So if Salamander is not responding in a day or two, we'll have to switch to something else....
Got Salamander's latest CSA (for my new(er) readers who may not be as well versed in pee and poo talk - CSA is science speak for Comprehensive Stool Analysis, affectionately referred to in this house as the 'big poop test').
Michelle wrote about this weekend's events here.
Still sick.. but got to get it together enough to spend the afternoon at a client's site.
is one of the reasons I cannot yet write about Saturday's dinner. A comment was left on Jess Wilson's blog in response to her announcement of the dinner event - a mean spirited, spiteful, angry comment. And I haven't been able to get it out of my head.
STILL MUCKING AROUND WITH THE BLOG TITLE. I'll get it 'right', eventually....All part of the Journey, eh?
We're back... sort of...
Of course, as always happens when I have a rare opportunity to do something that I really, really, really want to do (dinner on Saturday nite with the John Robison + momma bloggers posse), I end up being obscenely over booked...
Boys spent the majority of the day in an outdoors adventure explorer type camp. They had a BLAST (I picked up two very messy, muddy, soaking wet, rosy cheeked, big grinned, very tired boys at the end of the afternoon..). And they did so well that they're allowed to come back..(not always a given, LOL..)
the rumors are true....
OH WOW, the loan request for Matthew G has already been fullfilled. Amazing!!!
For my upcoming 40th birthday, I'd like to request ONE shopping trip involving taking my two kids that is UNEVENTFUL!!
Just one.
Just so I can experience what that's like.
That's all.
P.S. And if I'm asking too much...
How about you strike mute the next old(er) bitty who feels it necessary to engage me in a (getting increasingly louder as I was trying to block her out) discussion around my parenting style while I'm helping my kids work through an 'episode' (trust me, the words 'butt the F#CK out of my business' came awfully close to bursting out of my mouth.. )
Or I'll take a t-shirt that reads "Yes, I am a horrible, horrible mother. Wanna trade places and see if you can a better job?"
and a hard place..
Another drama filled afternoon.. (well, more precisely, this afternoon was the culmination of drama building up over the past couple of days).
Remember the day I wrote THIS? I took a UTM for Salamander on the morning of that day too.
Oy - HB12 is definitely doing 'somethin'... It's been an up and down ride.. I really do feel bad for Salamander - he is obviously NOT feeling too good. I'll be doing a UTM tomorrow morning.. it always helps BOTH of us to 'see' what is actually going on.
Two kiddos in various stages of mood swings and detox.. It's gonna be a bumpy ride today.
UPDATE @ 2.45 pm on V-day
Men are Idiots..
Chase's loan has been funded!!! Let's keep rolling on Aydan's...
There is an enormous amount of traffic on the web right now regarding the decisions issued today by the Autism Omnibus Court, as well as the Sky Walker Autism Murder Case.
't Is a blessing that some of Salamander's team members have (now older) kids with ASD themselves.
PUT THE PREVIOUS POST BACK UP - It's a necessary one in the 'where I was at and where I ended up' process...
so now I'm extremely PISSED OFF.
Well, so much for me maintaining bloggy silence today eh?
So I probably won't be posting today (or much, much later today)....
Please read Michelle O"Neil's post on Lend4Health..... Michelle, thank you!!!
Charlie (my friend Jeanne's little boy) is on his way home from the hospital!!!!
Charlie (Jeanne's little boy) is still in the hospital. It looks like the docs want to keep him for another nite. Investigations continue to be ongoing (oh, how I know that powerless feeling when every test under the bleeping sun is being run and nobody seems to know what's going on...).
There are days I have had it to over my eyeballs with being the sh!t, p!ss & puke patrol...
So today is officially the 5th anniversary of Salamander's first official diagnoses. And typically, I will try to stay very busy during that anniversary.. as when I slow down, my mind tends to go 'back there'.
[UPDATE ON FEB 7, 9 am - Charlie is once again not doing so good. As he's not my kiddo, I can't get into 'his business'. Just asking you send lots of good thoughts, prayers and well wishes into the universe for him]
I'll be participating in THIS a bit later today. Very much looking forward to it.. the good ole braincells are in desperate need of a work-out. [Update at 1 pm: Very disappointing telecon. Not much discussion of science. Regurgitation of same ole tired mantras. Dr. Jon Poling just joined the call...Hannah Poling's mom just joined too (sorry.. forgot her name) - is stressing need for utter care in exposing child with underlying mito disorder to viral and infectious stressors, as those can trigger a 'mito' episode... No kidding.. Kinda seeing that right now in Salmander]
[now don't all gang up on me, OK?]
Please read Angela Warner's (Autism Salutes) absolutely amazing letter to First Lady Mrs. Michelle Obama . I really, really hope that this letter gets to its intended destination and that it is read....
As indicated in the header to my blog, I ain't no fan of Emily Perl Kingsley's "Welcome to Holland" that every freshly diagnosed parent gets thrown at them. I do NOT find it inspiring at all. In fact, I find it very very very condescending, and it completely trivializes what our kids go through (and hello?? I am DUTCH. I KNOW what Holland looks like, and what dear Emily describes ain't it)
[my apologies in advance if what I am about to share offends anybody. No offense is intended, I am merely jotting down my thoughts. This week will be the 5th anniversary of Salamander's first official diagnoses (AS & NLD), the 5th anniversary of officially (as I suspected things were 'off' for much longer than that) 'having a horse in this race'. And truth be told, I suspect to be 'in the race' for at least another 5 years, if not 10. And THAT is making me think about where I was 5 years ago, and where I am now]
BOTH kids on the school bus this morning (Hallelulah.. we'll see if it holds..) after a 1 hour delay as we had another 5+ inches of snow dumped out here (I was out there shoveling thrice - once at around 3.30 pm, and another time at 10 pm, and then again at 4 am this morning.. Then a neighbor took pity on me and plowed out what remained of my looooooong drive way).
I want a do-over for the hours between 4.20 pm and 6.20 pm....I was in a stinky mood and I took it out on my beautiful boys...
Potatey home sick.... Another snow storm rolling in... Having to take Potatey with me as I take Salamander to tutoring in Norwell in the late afternoon (where even more snow is predicted than here).. Trying to get work done while at the same time caring for Potatey.. Computer keeps crashing.. Hi speed slow as a slug (%^#&^%&$^).. Lindamood Bell tutoring got cancelled due to predicted snowfall... Emails & call to Salamander's school to tell them to put him on the bus home instead of me picking him up at 2.15 pm...Need to reschedule 3 pm work conference call... Overnite 4 more loads of smelly laundry appeared that need to get washed ASAP... Need to pay credit card bills before late charges hit...
Potatey is definitely battling something. Symptoms right now similar to what Salamander was displaying at the beginning of his flu 'adventure'. I hope I can keep Potatey's symptoms under control so it doesn't get quite that crazy. Potatey did go to school this morning (something I do NOT feel good about and am not proud of having done), but I HAD to get Salamander back into the Lindamood Bell tutoring routine (he missed 2 weeks!!!).
Guess who has reappeared???
This came in through my twitter this morning. I need to read it a few more times to be able to get my thoughts on this out in a coherent fashion.